Contraception & Family Planning

Contraception & Family Planning

Dr. Shilpa Goyal’s Clinic offers a cafeteria approach to the patients for avoiding unwanted pregnancies. Patients may choose non-permanent measures like Oral Contraceptive pills, barrier methods, I.U.C.D., injectable contraceptives (Depo-provera) or permanent methods, that is, voluntary sterilization.
Voluntary surgical procedure for permanently terminating fertility in women.


  • Minilaparatomy (interval or postpartum)
  • Laparoscopy (interval only)


When to Perform:

  • Anytime during the menstrual cycle you can be reasonably sure the client is not pregnant.
  • Days 4-7 of the menstrual cycle (proliferative phase preferred)
  • Postpartum: within 2 days or after 6 weeks
  • Postabortion: immediately or within 7 days, provided no evidence of pelvic infection


Method Characteristics: Benefits

  • Highly effective (0.2– 4 pregnancies per 100 women during the first year of use)
  • Effective immediately
  • Permanent
  • Does not affect breastfeeding
  • Does not interfere with intercourse
  • Good for client if pregnancy would pose a serious health risk
  • No long-term side effects
  • No change in sexual function (no effect on hormone production by ovaries)


Method Characteristics: Limitations

  • Must be considered permanent (not reversible)
  • Client may regret later
  • Small risk of complications (increased if general anesthesia used)
  • Short-term discomfort/pain following procedure
  • Requires trained physician (gynecologist or surgeon required for laparoscopy)
  • Does not protect against STDs (e.g., HBV, HIV/AIDS)