Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition

Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition

Our experienced team of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics at Magnus helps patients understand the need for a holistic and essentially therapeutic diet based on their afflictions. The team provides its expert guidance to the patients in multiple age groups and at multiple stages of the disease, leading to the overall well-being of the patients. The clinical dietitians analyze nutritional requirement of the patient and accordingly provide appropriate and medical nutrition therapy along with designing nutritional programs for the patients.

The team uses a balanced approach of combining palatability of foods along with carefully measured quantities of intake to facilitate maximum nourishment. The team has ample experience in treating congenital metabolic disorders, numerous Gastroenterology diseases along with supplementing weight management, cardiac diets, diabetic diets and hypoallergenic diets as well. The team focuses on quality care processes which involve intervention, assessment, nutritional diagnosis, and monitoring of the patient at various stages. The expert dietitians also closely monitor the overall development and growth process of a child and hence, ensure a nutritious and sufficient prescribed diet to the child along with the mother's feed. The dietary services are also available for all the inpatients so as to ensure that an optimum amount of nutrition is provided to all the patients for fast recovery.